
     The cheapest treatment for heartburn and acidity

Often the elderly or those who sit for hours have their stomachs weakened, which causes them to complain of indigestion and chest burns after eating; Available in Most Items.
If a stomach that releases acid to digest food decreases or if the stomach is weak to digest food, this complaint occurs after every meal. 

One of the reasons for acidity is an empty stomach. Add tea made from ingredients to your routine and get rid of these problems. The thymol in celery produces a fair amount of 'gastric juice' in the gastrointestinal tract, which helps the stomach to digest food, is useful in all stomach disorders and is often used in foods.

There are numerous benefits to the good-natured sweet taste, including diarrhea and stomach acidity, including treatment for gastrointestinal diseases, stomach upset, constipation, while fennel is also an excellent diet to speed up the vision. 

 How to use
To make fennel and celery tea, mix half a tablespoon of fennel and celery in a glass of water and boil it and use it when cool. Ajin and fennel can also be chewed together. Infant children may be given fennel water if they have abdominal pain or gas complaints, which provides immediate relief.

Drinking green tea on an empty stomach in the morning can cause bad effects on the liver because of its high content of catechus. You must drink green tea in between meals or after a meal.
Green Tea might also help protect against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.

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